The Fundamentals of Home Organization: A Step-by-Step Guide

Organizing your home can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you're not sure where to start. The process is more than just cleaning up; it's about creating a space that works for you and supports your lifestyle. Whether you're organizing a single room or your entire home, understanding the fundamentals can make a big difference. Here's a simple guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Edit

The first step in organizing any space is to declutter and edit your belongings. This involves going through your items and deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to throw away. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have I used this item in the last year?

  • Does this item hold significant sentimental value?

  • Would I buy this item again?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no," consider letting it go. The goal is to eliminate clutter and create a more functional space.

Step 2: Categorize

After you've decluttered, it's time to categorize your belongings. Group similar items together to get a sense of what you have. This will help you understand how much space you need and what types of storage solutions will work best. Common categories include:

  • Clothing

  • Kitchenware

  • Office supplies

  • Personal care products

  • Toys

  • Books

Creating categories helps you organize your space in a way that's intuitive and easy to maintain.

Step 3: Contain

Now that you've edited and categorized, it's time to contain your belongings. This is where storage solutions come into play. Depending on the size of your space and the categories you've created, you might need:

  • Bins or baskets for smaller items

  • Shelves or bookcases for larger items

  • Closet organizers for clothing and accessories

Drawer dividers for smaller personal items When choosing storage solutions, consider both functionality and aesthetics. The goal is to make it easy to find what you need while keeping the space visually appealing.

Step 4: Style

The final step in organizing your home is styling. This is where you add personal touches to make the space feel inviting and reflect your personality. Consider adding:

  • Decorative accents like plants, artwork, or throw pillows

  • Coordinated storage solutions that match your home decor

A consistent color scheme to create harmony Styling is about creating a cohesive look that makes you happy to be in your space. It’s the finishing touch that ties everything together.

Final Thoughts

Organizing your home doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these four fundamental steps—Edit, Categorize, Contain, and Style—you can create a space that's functional, stylish, and tailored to your needs. Take your time, work at your own pace, and remember that organization is an ongoing process. As your lifestyle changes, your space can adapt to meet those needs.

Happy organizing!

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Creating a Tidy Home Office: Tips for a Clutter-Free Workspace

Creating a Tidy Home Office: Tips for a Clutter-Free Workspace

In today's world, more people are working from home than ever before. While remote work offers flexibility and convenience, it also brings unique challenges—especially when it comes to maintaining a tidy home office. A cluttered workspace can lead to increased stress, reduced focus, and decreased productivity. At Simply Space Solutions, we believe that a clean and organized workspace is key to a successful work-from-home experience. Here are some tips to help you keep your home office tidy and your mind clear.

In today's world, more people are working from home than ever before. While remote work offers flexibility and convenience, it also brings unique challenges—especially when it comes to maintaining a tidy home office. A cluttered workspace can lead to increased stress, reduced focus, and decreased productivity. At Simply Space Solutions, we believe that a clean and organized workspace is key to a successful work-from-home experience. Here are some tips to help you keep your home office tidy and your mind clear.

1. Declutter Regularly

Clutter is the enemy of productivity. Start by removing any unnecessary items from your workspace. This includes old papers, unused office supplies, and miscellaneous items that don't belong in your office. Aim to declutter at least once a week to prevent accumulation.

2. Create Designated Storage Areas

A place for everything, and everything in its place. Use storage solutions like shelves, bins, and file organizers to keep your items neatly arranged. This will not only make your office look cleaner but also help you find things quickly when you need them.

3. Use Cable Management Systems

Tangled cords and cables can make your desk look messy and even pose safety hazards. Invest in cable management systems to keep cords neatly organized and out of sight. This simple step can significantly improve the appearance of your workspace.

4. Optimize Your Desk Layout

Keep frequently used items within arm's reach and store less frequently used items in designated storage areas. This minimizes unnecessary movement and helps you stay focused on your work. Additionally, leave some open space on your desk to create a sense of calm and order.

5. Incorporate Personal Touches

While it's important to keep your office tidy, it's also essential to make it a place where you enjoy working. Add a few personal touches, like photos or small plants, to create a pleasant and motivating environment.

The Power of 10-Minute Daily Cleaning

Consistency is key to maintaining a tidy home office. Set aside 10 minutes at the end of each workday to tidy up your workspace. This simple routine can help you start each day with a clear mind and a clean desk.

The Productivity Boost

Studies have shown that a clutter-free workspace can lead to a significant increase in productivity. According to a study by the National Association of Professional Organizers, disorganization can lead to a 15% to 20% reduction in productivity and efficiency. By keeping your office tidy, you're not only improving your work environment but also increasing your potential output.


A tidy home office is more than just a clean space—it’s a foundation for a productive and enjoyable work-from-home experience. By following these tips and incorporating a daily cleaning routine, you can create a workspace that supports your success. If you need help getting started, Simply Space Solutions is here to assist you with all your organizational needs.

At SimplySpace Solutions, we’re to help you. Ask for your free consultation here!

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Decluttering and Organizing with ADHD: A Journey Towards Calm and Clarity

If you have ADHD, the idea of decluttering and organizing can seem overwhelming. Yet, creating a space where you can find things easily, enjoy your surroundings, and feel more at peace is possible. With the right approach and a little guidance, you can transform your living environment into a more organized and harmonious place. Here's how to start your journey towards calm and clarity.

A Personal Story of Transformation

I have a friend, let's call him Jake, who has ADHD. For years, Jake struggled with keeping his apartment in order. There were piles of clothes on the floor, a kitchen counter covered with takeout containers, and a desk buried under paperwork. Jake often felt stressed and overwhelmed by the chaos in his home.

One day, he decided he'd had enough. He wanted a change, but he didn't know where to start. He felt like he was constantly swimming against the tide, never able to make significant progress. That's when he reached out to me, asking for help to declutter and organize his space.

Breaking It Down

For Jake, the biggest challenge was knowing where to begin. We started small, focusing on one area at a time. We tackled his closet first, sorting through clothes he hadn't worn in years. The sense of accomplishment he felt after that first step was incredible—it gave him the momentum to keep going.

With ADHD, it's easy to get overwhelmed by big projects, so breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks was key for Jake. It was about making progress, not achieving perfection.

Visual Cues and Simplified Storage

Jake quickly realized that he needed visual cues to stay organized. We used clear storage bins for his closet and labeled each one, so he could see exactly what was inside. Open shelving and transparent containers became his new best friends. This way, he didn't have to dig through stacks of boxes or drawers to find what he needed.

We also made sure to keep the system simple. Complicated storage solutions just don't work for someone with ADHD. Jake found that when everything had a designated place, it was easier to maintain order.

Establishing a Routine

Jake knew that maintaining his newly organized space would be challenging without a routine. We set up a schedule that worked for him—10 minutes each morning to tidy up and a deeper cleaning session once a week. This routine helped him stay on track without feeling too rigid.

At the same time, flexibility was important. Jake learned to forgive himself if he missed a day or if things got messy again. ADHD is unpredictable, and part of staying organized is allowing room for those fluctuations.

Celebrating the Wins

Every small victory counted for Jake. We celebrated each step forward, whether it was a clean closet, a cleared-off desk, or a tidy kitchen. These successes motivated him to keep going, even when it got tough.

Getting Support

Jake's journey was easier with support. Having someone to help him through the process made a big difference. If you have ADHD and need help decluttering and organizing, don't hesitate to ask a friend or seek professional assistance. You don't have to do it alone.

We're Here to Help

If you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter or just need a little guidance, we're here to help. Our professional organizing services are designed with ADHD in mind. We understand the challenges and can work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve a calmer, more organized space. You can reach us through clicking here or send us a message on Instagram. Let's start your journey towards a more organized and stress-free life together.

I wish you the clarity of a well-organized space, the calm of a clutter-free mind, and the joy of never having to search for your keys again.

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Decluttering Your Space, Freeing Your Mind: A Personal Journey

Hello, wonderful readers. Today, I want to take you on a deeply personal journey—a journey that has not only transformed my physical surroundings but has also had a profound impact on my mental well-being. Join me as I delve into the powerful connection between decluttering and mental health and how it has shaped my life.

Hello, lovely readers. Today, I want to take you on a deeply personal journey—a journey that has not only transformed my physical surroundings but has also had a profound impact on my mental well-being. Join me as I delve into the powerful connection between decluttering and mental health and how it has shaped my life.

The Power of Decluttering:

For years, I found myself trapped in a cycle of anxiety and overwhelm, my mind mirroring the chaos that seemed to pervade my environment. It wasn't until I stumbled upon the transformative power of decluttering that I began to understand the profound effect our physical spaces can have on our mental state.

Decluttering isn't just about tidying up or getting rid of excess stuff—it's about reclaiming our space, our time, and ultimately, our mental well-being. As I embarked on my decluttering journey, I found myself confronting deep-seated emotions and beliefs that I had long buried beneath piles of belongings.

Confronting Emotional Baggage:

Each item I chose to keep or let go of became a symbol of my values, my priorities, and ultimately, my sense of self. Letting go of physical clutter allowed me to release emotional baggage, creating space for clarity, peace, and growth.

As I sorted through my belongings, I discovered that many of the things I had been holding onto were tied to memories, fears, and expectations that no longer served me. Letting go of these items was liberating—it was like shedding layers of the past and embracing a new sense of freedom and possibility.

Creating Space for Clarity:

But the benefits of decluttering didn't stop there. As my physical space became more organized and simplified, so did my mind. I found myself feeling lighter, more focused, and better equipped to deal with life's challenges.

The mental clarity I gained from decluttering allowed me to approach each day with renewed energy and optimism. I no longer felt weighed down by the clutter and chaos that had once consumed me—I felt empowered to create the life I truly desired.

Taking the First Step:

If you find yourself struggling with feelings of overwhelm or anxiety, I encourage you to take a closer look at your surroundings. You may be surprised by the transformative power of decluttering and the profound impact it can have on your mental health.

Remember, it's not about perfection—it's about progress. Start small, take it one step at a time, and be gentle with yourself along the way. Your journey to a clutter-free home and a clearer mind begins today.

Join the Movement:

At Simply Space Solutions, we're passionate about helping individuals reclaim their space and transform their lives through the power of decluttering. Whether you're looking to clear out the clutter, organize your space, or create a more peaceful home environment, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us to learn more about our professional organizing services and discover how we can help you on your journey to mental well-being. Together, let's create spaces that nurture our souls and inspire us to live our best lives.

With love and light,


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Embracing the Art of Decluttering: Transforming Chaos into Calm

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, finding peace and clarity in our homes can feel like an impossible task. But what if I told you that the key to creating a sanctuary of calm lies in the simple act of decluttering? In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of decluttering and share practical tips for embracing this art form in your own home.

The Benefits of Decluttering:

Before we dive into the how-to's of decluttering, let's take a moment to reflect on the many benefits this practice can bring. Not only does decluttering free up physical space in our homes, but it also clears mental space, reducing stress and anxiety. By letting go of excess belongings and simplifying our surroundings, we create a sense of order and harmony that can positively impact every aspect of our lives.

Getting Started:

The thought of decluttering an entire home can feel overwhelming, but fear not – with a clear plan and a little determination, you can tackle even the messiest of spaces. Start by setting aside dedicated time for decluttering and commit to working on one area at a time. Whether it's a cluttered closet, overflowing bookshelf, or chaotic kitchen drawer, focus on one small area and break the task down into manageable steps.

The Decluttering Process:

As you begin sorting through your belongings, ask yourself a few key questions to help guide your decisions. Do I love this item? Do I use it regularly? Does it serve a purpose in my life? If the answer is no, it may be time to let go. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and cherish, and don't be afraid to part ways with items that no longer bring you joy or serve a practical purpose.

Organizing and Maintaining:

Once you've decluttered your space, it's time to organize and create systems that will help maintain a clutter-free environment in the long term. Invest in storage solutions that suit your needs, whether it's bins and baskets for corralling loose items or shelving units for displaying cherished belongings. Establish daily habits for tidying up and make decluttering a regular part of your routine to prevent chaos from creeping back in.


Decluttering is more than just a chore – it's a mindset shift that can lead to greater peace, productivity, and well-being. By letting go of excess and embracing simplicity, we create space for the things that truly matter in our lives. So roll up your sleeves, put on your favorite playlist, and get ready to transform chaos into calm with the power of decluttering. Your future self will thank you for it.

In a world where chaos seems to reign supreme, finding pockets of calm becomes paramount for our mental and emotional well-being. One powerful way to achieve this is through the art of decluttering. Beyond simply tidying up physical spaces, decluttering is a transformative process that can help us clear our minds, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of peace amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The Power of Decluttering: Decluttering goes beyond just organizing our belongings; it's about making conscious decisions to let go of the unnecessary and create space for what truly matters. Whether it's clearing out a cluttered closet, streamlining digital files, or simplifying our schedules, each act of decluttering is a step towards reclaiming control and restoring balance in our lives.

Transforming Chaos into Calm: As we declutter our physical surroundings, we also declutter our minds. The act of sorting through possessions forces us to confront our attachments and priorities, helping us distinguish between what adds value to our lives and what weighs us down. By letting go of excess and focusing on the essentials, we create an environment that fosters clarity, creativity, and calm.

Tips for Effective Decluttering:

  1. Start Small: Break the decluttering process into manageable tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Begin with one area or category at a time, such as a drawer or a shelf.

  2. Set Intentions: Clarify your reasons for decluttering and visualize the kind of space you want to create. Whether it's a serene bedroom or an organized workspace, having a clear goal will keep you motivated throughout the process.

  3. Practice Mindfulness: Approach decluttering with a mindful attitude, paying attention to your thoughts and emotions as you sift through your belongings. Notice any resistance or attachment that arises and gently let it go.

  4. Use the One-In, One-Out Rule: To prevent future clutter from accumulating, adopt a "one-in, one-out" policy. For every new item you bring into your home, make a commitment to remove an existing item of similar size or function.

  5. Embrace Minimalism: Simplify your life by embracing the principles of minimalism. Focus on quality over quantity, and surround yourself only with possessions that serve a purpose or bring you joy.

In a world filled with distractions and excess, the art of decluttering offers a path to tranquility and clarity. By intentionally curating our physical and mental spaces, we can transform chaos into calm and create a life that is aligned with our values and aspirations. So let's embrace the journey of decluttering with SimplySpaceSolutions, one mindful decision at a time, and rediscover the peace that comes from living with intention.

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Settling in London: From Madrid to a New Beginning

In August 2022, our family embarked on a journey that would change our lives forever. After my husband relocated to London in May, the time had finally come for me and our two boys to join him. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as we prepared to leave behind our home in Madrid and start anew in the bustling city of London.

As the moving day approached, so did the daunting task of unpacking. With 50 or 60 boxes still waiting to be opened upon our arrival, I found myself faced with a race against the clock. School for the boys was starting in just two weeks, and I was determined not to let the chaos of moving disrupt their routines any longer than necessary.

With determination and a sense of urgency, I dove headfirst into the sea of boxes, unpacking and organizing with precision and purpose. Every item found its place, every room began to take shape, and slowly but surely, our new house started to feel like home.

Despite the inevitable challenges and moments of exhaustion, there was a sense of accomplishment that came with each box unpacked and each corner tidied. It wasn't just about creating a comfortable living space; it was about laying down roots and establishing a sense of belonging in our new surroundings.

Two weeks flew by in a whirlwind of activity, and before we knew it, the first day of school had arrived. Thanks to the hard work and determination put in during those initial days of settling in, our transition to London life was smoother than we could have hoped for.

Looking back on those hectic days of unpacking and organizing, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to start fresh in a new city. From Madrid to London, our journey may have been marked by boxes and chaos, but it was also filled with moments of excitement, anticipation, and the promise of new beginnings.

As we continue to settle into our new home and embrace all that London has to offer, I'm reminded that sometimes the greatest adventures begin with a leap of faith and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Here's to new beginnings, unexpected challenges, and the joy of making a house a home, no matter where life may take us.

In August 2022, our family embarked on a journey that would change our lives forever. After my husband relocated to London in May, the time had finally come for me and our two boys to join him. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as we prepared to leave behind our home in Madrid and start anew in the bustling city of London.

As the moving day approached, so did the daunting task of unpacking. With 50 or 60 boxes still waiting to be opened upon our arrival, I found myself faced with a race against the clock. School for the boys was starting in just two weeks, and I was determined not to let the chaos of moving disrupt their routines any longer than necessary.

With determination and a sense of urgency, I dove headfirst into the sea of boxes, unpacking and organizing with precision and purpose. Every item found its place, every room began to take shape, and slowly but surely, our new house started to feel like home.

Despite the inevitable challenges and moments of exhaustion, there was a sense of accomplishment that came with each box unpacked and each corner tidied. It wasn't just about creating a comfortable living space; it was about laying down roots and establishing a sense of belonging in our new surroundings.

Two weeks flew by in a whirlwind of activity, and before we knew it, the first day of school had arrived. Thanks to the hard work and determination put in during those initial days of settling in, our transition to London life was smoother than we could have hoped for.

Looking back on those hectic days of unpacking and organizing, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to start fresh in a new city. From Madrid to London, our journey may have been marked by boxes and chaos, but it was also filled with moments of excitement, anticipation, and the promise of new beginnings.

As we continue to settle into our new home and embrace all that London has to offer, I'm reminded that sometimes the greatest adventures begin with a leap of faith and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Here's to new beginnings, unexpected challenges, and the joy of making a house a home, no matter where life may take us.

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